It's time to fellowship with some other believers this week! Grab someone you know and schedule a night out with their family. Below are a few different ideas that you could do with another family (or 2) that will win family night this week!

Family nights are an important thing because spending that special time each week being intentional and focusing on the people you love builds stronger relationships! Building relationships with the people you worship with is just as important! So, this week, grab another family and have a group-date family night together!
First up we have a mall scavenger hunt. There are a lot of different ways to go about this- all of which seem to be pretty funny and will definitely cause some playful competition. There are 8 really cool scavenger hunt ideas, you can look through on the Birthday Party Ideas 4 Kids site.
My favorite scavenger hunt is the...
ULTIMATE MALL SCAVENGER HUNT<---(Click for instructions & List of items)
No money is required for this scavenger hunt. Teams must find crazy items or complete tasks to finish their mall scavenger hunt list. All team members must be in each picture (except for photographer). Examples: Laying on a bench, with a salesman named Bob, trying to hide behind a tree. Give each team two separate lists or combine some of the items. We've listed over 40 ideas for this scavenger hunt with spaces to include your own ideas!
In this group date family night, each person bowls their frame like normal but instead of trying to get the highest score, each family is trying to get five items in a row marked off of their bingo card. You can mark off anywhere from 1 pin down to 9 pins down, Strikes and Spares, too! It even encourages getting a gutter ball! Get any five in a row and your family wins!
To download and print enough BINGO cards for 2 families (3 games of bowling),
If that just isn't enough fun for you and the fam, try checking out this past post for instructions and printableS for CRAZY BOWLING and SHOUT IT OUT BOWLING.
Okay, hear me out. Since we live so close, we've probably all been before. I will say though, it's different and a whole different level of fun when you go with another family. Holler at another family friend with kiddos and plan a day to go together. Pack picnic lunches and bring a few extra quarters to feed the goats (#CoinShortage am I right??) Enjoy an all day zoo experience. If you have a zoo pass you can go for free (I'm 100% biased but it DOES pay for itself in like, 3 visits....) but if you don't have a pass it's still relatively inexpensive.
If you want something to do on your journey check our one of my favorite sites, The Dating Divas, and take a look at their free ZOO SCAVENGER HUNT.
While it may sound dumb, this is another easy idea! And if you can't find another family, it'll still work for this week. First thing's first- sit both families down and create a list of your favorite activities. Have each person give 1 activity they would like to do (park, look at fish at Cabellas, ShopKick at the Legends, go get ice cream, etc).
From here you have to choices- jump in the van and just start going down the list OR fold them up and put them in a cup. Commit to drawing a certain number each day or week until they've all been drawn. This idea could keep you busy for awhile if you play your cards right.
Another fantastic choice from The Dating Divas, trying inviting some friends you haven't seen in awhile over for a Back to school dinner. Since most of us still aren't seeing our friends, except over Zoom, it might be nice to get together in a smaller situation where we can be physically distant. Whether you have friends over to come in and play before and after you eat or you hang out outside and grill instead, the link will give you some super fun Back to school themed ideas to do that night!
Good luck choosing- 'cause these are all super fun!