Doesn’t it sound like a super fun date? Okay, okay, I know you’re probably thinking, "really?!" but hear me out... Sometimes you just have to get things done and we have an app for that! Also... Momma, you're welcome! 😉

Download the Spinthewheel App on your phone or use the links provided and turn clean-up into family night! Word of warning- if you have older kids, you'll want a different wheel (IE not chores) 'cause those kids are gonna see right through this! 🤣
The inspiration for this week's family day comes from a great show about everyday life-
The Office. Check it out here:
So, off I went thinking, what if I could get my family to think chores were fun?!!
I found this new app, the Spin The Wheel app. I now have downloaded to my phone AS WELL AS bookmarked on my computer because it's awesome. I think this 5-star reviewer said it best:
"It is a really cool app. Basically I am using it before I make all my small decisions. I am not thinking about anything that isn't important anymore. I am not thinking about unimportant questions. Which movie to watch? Spin the wheel. Which restaurant to go to? Spin the wheel. Should I do this or that? Spin the wheel." -A guy named Noujan
You have a few choices:
First, the more cut and dry "Get'r Done" style wheel:
(Hint: type in Chore Roulette in the app or CLICK HERE and you'll see...)

2. If you have younger kids and want to make it more FUN than CHORE try this one!! This one is especially fun because when you least expect it you get random things like.... THE CHICKEN DANCE and CHANGE YOUR SOCKS. Wierd..... but so fun....
(Hint: type in Silly Chores in the app or CLICK HERE and you'll see...)

3. Wanna go a totally different direction? Here's a wheel of activities you can do INSTEAD of chores!! *Word of caution though- I just spun this and it 100% just landed on "chores"...
(Hint: type in 'What to do? Activity ideas' in the app or CLICK HERE and you'll see...)

Have fun and happy cleaning!