You might have heard of the latest quarantine frenzy... painting rocks and hiding them! Actually, though, it's not just a frenzy- it's crazy fun!

This week is a combination of a few different things- some I love (art/crafts/sneakiness), and some things I like less (hiking or basically just going outside when it's hot out). But the latter is no reason to not take part! So, paint some "Jesus Rocks" Hide them for someone else to find, and get pumped for this week's family day!
How would you feel if you stumbled upon a beautifully painted rock with an inspirational message? Well, you and your kids can be that kindness spreader, and it’s a wonderful and creative exercise to do for your family fun night. Better yet, get punny and paint "Jesus Rocks!" on a few. Because, what's better than just your average kindness rock? A JESUS ROCKS, ROCK!
It’s pretty simple:
Gather rocks (hike and grab a few or purchase them from a craft store)
Clean rocks
Paint your rocks
Seal paint with paint sealer (if you want- not required)
Distribute your rocks (place them back on the hiking trails your found them or on a trail of your choice)
The idea is simple. People paint rocks bright colors or with short messages on them and hide them – preferably in plain sight – so that people find them. The person who finds the rock can take a photo of it or a selfie with the rock and post it to social media. Then they can replace the rock with one they’ve painted or re-hide the rock they found.
The idea might be short and sweet, but it'll take awhile to complete!
(I accidentally rhymed just then but I refuse to erase it.) #PoetDidntKnowIt
Have fun! And post some pics on FB!
