Today's the day! Thank you to all those who have served and to those who continue to serve. Thank you for your many sacrifices.

Now it feels, more than ever, so very important to teach our children the importance of
honoring those who serve and have served. Head on over to the WW1 museum
and celebrate with your family at one of their many Veterans Day events happening today!
What is Veteran's Day for kids:
AND SPECIAL ACTIVITIES (free activities on the lawn) WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11
Veterans and active military get free admission to both the museum and the memorial events. Family friendly tip- everything *outside* the museum is free. Cost of museum admission does cost- but again- the festivities happening outside are free!
The Legacy Jump is at 6:30 am followed by the Veterans Day Ceremony at 10am. "Cars for Heroes" begins at 11am and there are plenty of additional events scattered throughout the day ending with a performance by the Kansas City Symphony! --All free!

Cars for Heroes event
To add a boost of awesome to your car drive over to the museum, check out this video of the U.S. Armed Forces Medley. Challenge the family to memorize each one-- no, I'm not joking!
↓↓↓ I'm nice and the lyrics are provided riiiiiiiiiiight here in this video for you ↓↓↓
You can check out the WW1 Museum's page HERE and take a look at a more details list of events offered today as well as some suggestions from on how to celebrate Veterans day:
From “8 Ways to Express Appreciation on Veterans Day,” courtesy of
Show Up – Attend a Veterans Day event in your area.
Donate – There a number of organizations that support veterans.
Fly a Flag – Not sure of the proper etiquette? Look here.
Ask Someone About their Service – Questions such as “What did you do in the military” and “How long did you serve” are great starting points.
Write – Send a postcard, letter or email.
Don’t Confuse Veterans Day with Memorial Day – Veterans Day is a time to thank people for their service. Memorial Day is meant to reflect on those who gave their lives during service.
Visit a VA Hospital – Many host special events on Veterans Day.
Get Outdoors with a Veteran – Admission to national parks is free for everyone on Veterans Day.