If you get online and search "Black Light Party" or "Glow in the Dark Party" there are practically thousands of ideas. So, this week we're giving you and the family an excuse to go spend $5-10 bucks on glow stick to create a glow party at your house!

Everybody loves a good glow stick! Especially if you can connect them to make things out of them! Try using glow sticks to create a game night for your family. (Extra cool-points if you do it outside and get some fresh air)!
There are a ton of great glow stick game ideas online and if you head over to Pinterest you can see thousands of them. These are a few that I found that were fun but also didn't take tooooo many glow sticks to recreate. Because, let's be honest, unless it's a 98 cent packages with like, 8 glow sticks in it, it's probably not getting purchased. With $5, and a willingness to glow, you can recreate all of these games!

First up, we have Glow-Bowling!
Basically, this picture tell you everything you need to know.
1. Get 6 water bottles and put 1 glow stick in each.
2. Get any ball heavy enough to knock them over.
3. If you want to, you can cover the ball in glow in the dark duct tape. (Yes, they totally have this at Walmart).
4. Go bowling!

For the younger crowd- glow bubbles!
Though, to be completely honest, I remember using glow bubbles when I was in high school at a youth retreat. Those of you with teenager, this can be fun too, if you play your cards right.
1. Get 2 large glow sticks per bottle of bubbles. (or 4 of the same color from the 98 cent bags)
2. CAREFULLY cut the glow stick and pour it's contents into the bubbles.
Note: These little suckers squirt when they're broken open. I suggest holding them vertically so you can see the glow all at one side. Then make the cut at the very end where there is no liquid.
3. Shake the bottle. Just like you would shake the glow stick after breaking it, you'll also want to shake the bubbles. This helps create an even glow throughout the bottle.

Tic Tac Glow is another easy win game for family night because it's great for all ages. Don't believe me? Check out this Tic Tac Toe strategies page from Reader's Digest!

And finally, does anyone remember these little beauties from the 90's??
Surprise the kids with these on their bedroom ceiling when they go to bed after having the best family night ever.
Not only will the kids be SUPER stoked to have glowing Twinkle Stars on their ceiling, but each night after, they'll fall asleep thinking about that awesome night with their families. #memories
With 8 glow sticks per package (depending on what you opt for) and $5 at hand, you should have around 40 glow sticks to work with. That'll be plenty for all these games and more! With $10, you can add the Twinkle Stars and surprise the kids.
Have fun in your backyard Glow-Party, y'all!