We definitely want you to do something fun this week BUT we also want you to have a family night out at Stony Point tonight! (Aug 30th) from 4-6pm. Enjoy an evening outside fellowshipping with other believers while celebrating a new school year- in whatever form it may take!

Wear something you can get wet in and parents, maybe bring a lawn chair with you! Because you'll definitely want to take a seat and watch kiddos fly down the 100 foot water slide.
Just ask the group who attend the MS/HS Christ in Youth Event!
Come out to Stony Point this coming Sunday- August 30th from 4-6pm.
Every Sunday we come, we worship, we leave, & if we're lucky we have a second to yell "hi" as we carry our children out the door, one under each arm (No? Just me...? Oh...) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But what if there's more than that? Back to School bash is NOT a "Worship n' Run" operation! It's more of a "Come hang out with us" operation! It's a great time to come together as a group for fellowship and to just enjoy one another's company- because I believe that's a part of living out our faith as well! This is another chance to enter into a genuine COMMUNITY with other believers.
So, whether you like water slides or not... whether you're excited about cotton candy or you'd rather not jump into a swirl of sugar... swing by, spend a few minutes enjoying the families and friends that you worship with each Sunday... and maybe bring a lawn chair so you can watch the madness!
Here are just a few things we're offering:
100 ft Water slide
9 square in the air
Lawn games
Balloon Wall Pop
Cotton Candy
Play time in the park with lawn games
Be there or be square.
(Do people still say this??)