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A Backyard Campout

Let's be honest, we're all dreaming of an epic summer vacation right now. But for most of us, it's not possible to leave home right now. But ask yourself this, how many times a year do you really get to pull out that tent and enjoy a good camp out? This week, open you back door, haul out the tent, and set up your very own backyard campout!

Ask yourself if you remember the last time you went camping? When was the last time you FAMILY went camping? For some of us, we look back fondly on memories of last summer. For others, we need to get our heads in the game-- And we can't forget the S'mores!

So, this week for our family date night, let's pitch a tent (or get creative) and spend a night under the stars! Creating a campground paradise in your backyard is an easy way to enjoy the outdoors without having to pack up your whole life and drive somewhere just to unpack it all again. When you have younger children, a backyard campout can be the perfect first step to see if they're ready to go out and have a real camping experience. Here are a few backyard camping ideas to get you started:

ONE: Pitching a Tent

Obviously you've got to have a place to start, right? To do this right you have to put up a tent, fashion one, or be really dedicated to teepee making. If you don't have a tent or your older kids are feeling up to the challenge, check out THIS LINK to see 15 different ways to create a tent out of a tarp. (I believe there is a tarp-tent contest in the making)!

TWO: Grilling

Every good camper knows to stock up on the essentials: hamburgers, hotdogs and all the fixins'. To give the kids the full experience, consider grilling and having dinner outside! We know you're at home and the fridge is just through that door- but pack and cooler with drinks and have what you need outside so that you don't need to venture in very often.

THREE: The Fire Pit to Roast S'mores

I feel like this is essential to the camping experience! If you're like us and don't have a fire pit available, have no fear! You can toast marshmallows over an open fire, hot coals, or a gas flame. So, once you're finished grilling, keep those coals hot and use that to melt some marshmallow. If you don't have skewers, you can use old metal hangers!

FOUR: Look at the Stars

The best time to star gave is actually early morning until sunset. This is when most planets are visible. (Did you just roll your eyes at the thought of setting your alarm for the 2-3 O'clock hour? Okay, yeah- me too...) If that isn't for you, grab some binoculars and check out THIS PAST POST with details on how to access an interactive map that simulates the sky above KC. You can click and drag the map to help you identify constellations and planets that are visible in each direction. (Yes- the site is on live stream so planets will show up and disappear off of the interactive map as they pass by and are visible in KC). Here's that website link again if you need it! CLICK HERE FOR STAR GAZING MAP

FIVE: Watch a Movie

Okay, I would like to acknowledge that this may not be the most authentic camping activity. BUT that doesn't mean it can't be fun! It you have a projector at your house, hang and sheet and hoot that puppy up! Nothing beat a big screen, movie outdoors! If you don't have access to all that fancy stuff- grab your lap top and lay around in the ten watching an old favorite. If you have younger kids who haven't camped before this can also be a great way to get them to sleep. It's hard to sleep in new environments and this can ease them in a little.

Have fun family campers! Also, consider camping with Snuggies... not for any reason in particular, this just seems like it'd be pretty lit to me....


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