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May 31st- Bread from Heaven

Today we'll talk about hunger. A Tool God used to Develop Trust.

Most of us don’t know what hunger really is. Oh, we know what it is to be hungry. BUT we don’t know hunger. We are aware of it and that it happens, of course, but we have not experienced it. And that might not be a good thing.

In today’s session we encounter the Israelites complaining (as was their norm) of hunger. They were not just hungry, they were in hunger. They were in the wilderness and food was scarce indeed. So they went to Moses and griped to him and to God.

God, demonstrating His unfailing grace and patience which Israel would see quite a bit of, provides food for them in the form of manna. But there is a catch—at least from Israel’s perspective. The manna they collected would only last for one day—they would need to collect more each morning. And above that, they would not be able to collect manna on the Sabbath, they would collect a double portion the day before.

As God is providing for His people, He is also teaching them to trust Him. Can you imagine the temptation to store up manna—a sure source of food in a wilderness of scarcity—each day? And that is what some tried, only to fail as the manna went rancid overnight. God’s provision of manna was designed to teach the Israelites that He was going to provide what they needed when they needed. They could trust Him. It is a lesson they didn’t learn.

A song to start us off AND an introduction to our Vacation Bible School! (Register here)

CLICK HERE for this weeks story summary and read about the Bread of Heaven!

Connection to the promise: In the New Testament, Jesus said that He is the Bread of life. God provided manna from Heaven for His people’s physical hunger, and later He provided His Son, Jesus, for our spiritual hunger. The Israelites needed bread to live for a little while, but whoever has Jesus will live forever!
If you have a bible at your house, open to Exodus 15-17 and have a parent read it out loud to you! If you don't have one, that's okay! CLICK HERE.

Questions from Kids:

Food Donation Activity:

This week for our activity we're going to provide a little something for others, just as God provided manna and water for the Israelites. He always takes care of us, so we're going to provide for someone else!

Grab a paper bag and decorate it with a little message for the recipient! Be sure to include our main point for this week: God provides for us!

Next, go through you cabinets or head to a store that has a food collection tub in the front and gather some canned or non-perishable goods.

CHECK OUT THE MOST NEEDED ITEMS HERE (And don't forget that you CAN include toiletries if you want!)

You can leave the bag in the donation bucket in the front of the grocery store OR drop it off at Stony Point Christian Church (Map here) to be used for our Store House Ministry.

Parents- remind kids that just like God provided what the Israelites needed, we as Christians can help people get what they need also by donating food and also telling them about Jesus!

Craftivity for this week:

This week's craft helps us remember that God provided for the Israelites and that He will provide for us too!

First, have kids color the page the very best they can!

2nd, glue the oyster crackers to the ground to represent the manna that God gave to the people!

(Be sure to color the rock and the water to show how God have the people water)

Last, Cut out the Moses and glue or tape it to your picture! And Voilà!

If you didn't get a Sunday School bag and would like to do the activity, CLICK HERE and print yours at home!

*Disclaimer: The tent in the grass might not exactly be representative of the desert in which the Israelites found themselves. Sorry guys! #balldropped


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© 2023 by Stony Point Christian Church Children's and Youth Ministry 

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