This week we'll be reading the story of how God gave Jacob a new name and continuing to focus on how God keeps His promises because He is faithful!
Connection to the promise: God changed Jacob's life and gave him a new name, Israel. Jesus came so that we might have a hanged life, forgiven of sin. Jesus' death and resurrection provided sinful people the way to be adopted into God's family. When we are adopted into the family of God we also receive a new name-- We are called children of God! (John 1:12)
If you have a bible at your house, open to Genesis 32-33 and have a parent read it out loud to you! If you don't have one, that's okay! CLICK HERE.
Here are a few questions that we wonder about today's story:
Movement Game (#competition):
Option #1
1, 2, 3, 4, I declare a thumb war! Show the kids how to thumb wrestle. While facing one another ,each competitor should hold their thumbs straight up and grasp the opponent's fingertips with their own fingertips. After a brief countdown, each player will try to hold down the opponent's thumb using only their thumb.
READ: Thumb wrestling is fun, and quite a bit safer than real wrestling. Today we learned about a time Jacob wrestled with a mysterious stranger. Jacob demanded that the stranger bless him. Who remembers who the stranger was?
Option #2
Have the family stand in a circle (or close to it) Explain that they will begin hopping on one foot when you say "go". Help the kids count how many seconds they can hop for. See who can hope the longest.
READ: Hopping can be really hard! Our bodies struggle to balance on one leg. Today we learned about a time Jacob's hip got hurt (Pre-K- where's your hip??) It left him with an injury that lasted the rest of his life. He could stand on both his legs, but when he walked, he limped because one leg could not hold his full weight. Who can explain how he injured his leg?
Craft Activity (#crafitivity):
Today we're going to be making some door hangers with our names on them! In case you all have (or "ya'll've" in contraction form...) forgotten the names of your family members! You can hang these little beauties on your doorknobs and rest assured that EVERYONE will know who's room it is.
There are boy and girl designs in each bag but if you don't like the one you got, just fold it backwards- so the design is on the INSIDE instead of the outside. This will give you a plain white canvas!
1. Cut and fold the cardstock paper
2. Glue together
3. Cut out the circle and fold the face down
4. Color and decorate
5. Hang on your doorknob!
(Hanging Hint: If the doorknob doesn't fit through the door, you can make a cut in the top portion. I recommend making your cut on the side and not on the top center. Then, you can tape it back together.
If you have a printer at home and want to look at the different designs CLICK HERE to print one yourself!
PRESCHOOL EXTRA CRAFTIVITIES FOR NAMES: CLICK HERE to access a Pinterest board FULL of Toddler and Pre-K friendly crafts and activities for littles. The ideas range from gluing cheerios onto your name, to writing letters on paper plates and jumping across them. Whatever you choose, it's all in good, pre-K fun!
ONLINE ACTIVITY: Check out THIS PAGE to search each member of your family and find out what their name really means! This is perfect for older kids who want to search up the name of every friend they've ever had! Ha!
Other Printables: