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June 7th- Jethro Helped Moses

We Need Help

Being in a position to need other people is a good thing-- but it's a hard thing, too. There are plenty of times I know I need help but out of selfishness or pride I just.... don't ask. But that's the important lesson here. We HAVE to rely on getting help sometimes! That's a beautiful thing God worked into His master plan. And so, times come when I am forced to ask others for help. I am forced to recognize my weakness. I am forced to recognize I am not an island. And THAT is a good thing.

We Need One Another

But needing help doesn't just mean help doing something- there's another side to "being in need". It's the need of other people coming alongside you. In last week's sermon with Pastor Dave we talked about "Who Cares?". Who cares for us and really knows us? Who will always be there for us, supporting us, and joining us in prayer in the touch times? Those same questions ring true today with our bible lesson.

"God could have designed it so that He supplies all our needs—and ultimately, He surely does. But instead He designed it so that He often fulfills our needs through other people. Yet, that does not detract from Him and His glory—it adds to it. If and when we remember that others are a gift and blessing from Him." -Brian Dembowczyk, The Gospel Project

If you have younger kids, this idea of being "a helper" is nothing new. They love it! Use that idea to connect them with God- Helpers are a gift from God!

As kids get older, sometimes it's hard for them to find their place. It's sometimes hard to find where they fit in, at a socially awkward time. What a perfect week to highlight and discuss spiritual gifts! (Parents- don't know yours? Take a test together like THIS ONE). Talk about how God designed us to help in different ways, hence our different gifts! Even so, we are all welcome and are part of His holy family because we share the same thing in common: Jesus. Celebrate the gift of community and now that we're back at church, encourage your kids to take full advantage of it!

A song to start us off AND an introduction to our Vacation Bible School! (Register here)

CLICK HERE for this weeks story summary and read about how Jethro helped Moses.

Connection to the promise: Moses needed others to help him lead God's people and teach them God's laws. God does not want believers to follow Jesus alone. He gives us brothers and sisters of faith who can help us love God, obey God, and tell others about Him.
If you have a bible at your house, open to Exodus 18 and have a parent read it out loud to you! If you don't have one, that's okay! CLICK HERE.

Questions from Kids:

Game Time: Divide and Conquer

Invite each family member to each do some number of a given task, such as 15 jumping jacks, 3 push-ups, clap 20 times, running a very long way and so on. In the first round, ensure that each kid does all of each task. Then play a second round where the kids can divide the task (or tasks) among themselves. For example, 5 people doing 3 jumping jacks each, 3 people doing 1 push-up each, tagging off half-way through the run, etc.

Remind Kids- In today's lesson, Moses was trying to help every person with their problems, but he couldn't handle that much work without help. Moses father-in-law offered him a clever solution on how to divide up the work. God gives us brothers and sisters of faith who can help us!

Craftivity- Fold-out Paper Dolls:

If you've never made these before, be sure to follow the folding instructions carefully!

-The banner paper provided is the correct size (15 by 24 inches)

-You will fold 3 times: in half, in half again, and in half one last time so the paper is long and skinny (hot dog style)

-Next, draw the outline of the right side of a person along the left edge.

Last, cut out your outline! (and decorate each person!)

If you're like me and need to actually SEE this in action, you can watch the video below:

Coloring activity for this week to hang on the fridge!

If you received a Sunday School bag this week, pull out this little number!

(If not, you can print it HERE)

Think of something you can do to help someone and draw a picture of you doing it! Your challenge this week, is to hang this on the fridge as a reminder of what you're going to try to do!

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