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June 28th- The Tabernacle was Built

As the children of Israel continued their trek through the wilderness, God gave Moses very specific instructions for how to build a tabernacle, or a tent. This tabernacle would be where God’s presence would dwell with His people (within the Holy of Holies) and also be where the people would offer sacrifices and worship. Here's a little map to show you what the tabernacle might have looked like:

Now, the building of the tabernacle was incredibly important within the context of the Exodus alone. The tabernacle showed Israel that God is a condescending God, or put another way, that in His kindness, God comes down to us and meets us where we are. We saw this in Genesis 2where God would come down to Adam and Eve and walk with them in the garden. And we see it here where God comes down to be in relationship with His people. The tabernacle also gave Israel a context by which God could deal with their perpetual sin.

But here is where we can—no, we must—connect the tabernacle to the New Testament, and more specifically to Christ Jesus. You see, the relief the sacrificial system provided for sin was only temporary—temporary in that the people had to sacrifice year after year, but also because the system was designed to be terminal, giving way when Jesus was given as its fulfillment.

-God didn’t intend for people to draw close to Him through a tent—He intended for people to draw close to Him through Jesus.

-God didn’t intend for people to receive forgiveness of sin through a tent—He intended for sin to be forgiven through Jesus.

-God didn’t intend for people to worship Him through a tent—He intended for people to worship Him through Jesus.

The tabernacle was another of God’s word pictures—or perhaps Word pictures—of Jesus. It had deep significance to Israel in their day, something we cannot overlook, but it had even deeper significance in the big story of the gospel.

As you go through this week’s session, ask your kids what it must have been like for Israel to worship through the tabernacle. Try to draw out of them that on one hand it was incredibly encouraging for Israel to have a physical means by which they could connect with God. But don’t stop there! Also lead your kids to consider how unsatisfying the tabernacle must have been. The people could get closer to God, but it wasn’t close enough. There were still so many barriers between them and God and ultimately, only one person—the high priest—could come into God’s presence in the Holy of Holies on only one day of the year—Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement. It’s like eating one chocolate chip out of a large bag of chocolate chips. Sure it’s better than nothing, but wouldn’t it be great to eat the rest, too!

That is what God intended for His people. He wanted them to hunger for more. To not be satisfied. To long for a deeper, more intimate relationship with Him.  From this side of the cross, we know God wanted His people to long for Jesus.

A song to start us off AND an introduction to our Vacation Bible School! (Register here)

CLICK HERE for this weeks story summary and read about the golden calf.

Connection to the promise: God instructed the Israelites to build a tabernacle where He would dwell with them. God desires to be with His people. As part of His plan to save sinners, God sent Jesus to “tabernacle,” or dwell, with people on earth.
If you have a bible at your house, open to Exodus 35-40 and have a parent read it out loud to you! If you don't have one, that's okay! CLICK HERE.

Questions from Kids:

Activity: Pillow Fort

Provide kids some building materials such as cushions, pillows, bedsheets, chairs, and maybe some clothes pins to hold it all together! Encourage the kids to use the materials to build a pillow fort or tent that the whole group can sit in together. Consider using this space as a place to watch the videos and have a discussion if you haven't already don that part of today's lesson!

Remind kids about how in today's lesson, God's people built a tent for God to fill up with His presence.

Activity Booklet:

We are excited to be hosting Pre-K Wee Worship in the building again, this can be found next to the coffee shop, which is open again, and things see to be getting back to normal! Instead of crafts, we're going to make it super easy on you with printables that are super easy for you parents at home!


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© 2023 by Stony Point Christian Church Children's and Youth Ministry 

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