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June 20- Esther

VBS starts this Monday and runs through Friday the 25th- to register, please visit:

God Plants You Where You Are

It is somewhat easy for us to see how God had placed Esther where she was—even if the path there may have been difficult—for a good reason. It is somewhat more difficult for us to recognize this truth in our lives. But it is just as true for us as it was for Esther. God’s providence is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He has always been at work and always will be at work to bring to pass what He will—what brings Him glory and what is good for His people.

Think the path that brought you where you are today. Can you see God’s gentle guiding hand along the way? Now consider where you are. God has you exactly where you are for a reason. What opportunities to glorify God and point others to Him do you have each day? How are you fulfilling God’s calling?

God Sustains You Where You Are

Esther was where she needed to be, but that was not the end of the story, but rather the beginning. Esther had to step forward—to take a risk—to intercede for her people before the king. I love what she called on the Jews to do first: to fast. We can presume that this fasting included praying to God on her behalf. Esther knew that success did not depend on her, but rather on God. God would be the One to grant her favor with the king.

As you consider where you are and the opportunities God has given you to make much of Him, you may feel ill-equipped. And that’s ok. In one sense we should. But, that should not cause us to cower in fear, but rather to implore God for His favor. God does not plant us where we are and leave us alone there. He is with us—always—encouraging and empowering us to fulfill our calling. Take time this week to pray—perhaps fast even—and ask God to give you success to serve Him faithfully where you are.

God Uses You Where You Are

God used Esther in an amazing way to save His people. Now, we have to be careful hear to understand two things. First, God will use us for His purposes. Second, how God uses us may not look the same. God will use us, but He may not do so in such a noticeable way. Or He may use us even through adversity (think of Joseph in Genesis). We need to have the confidence in God’s providence while also maintaining humility to accept whatever God puts before us.

What obstacles and adversity have you experienced, or might you experience, as you seek to be faithful to God where He has planted you? Has this prevented you from boldly following God at all? What might be holding you back from obeying fully and joyfully?

Preschool Tip: There is a lot of story to tell this week, so be sure to guard your time as best as you can so that you can tell your preschoolers the narrative well.

Kids Tip: Consider pointing out to your kids that God’s name is not present in the Book of Esther. Ask them why they think that might be, and where they can see God in the book apart from His name being mentioned.

*Devo from Pastor Brian, from The Gospel Project.

#JesusJams for today!

---> And here's this week's story!!

Christ Connection: God was in control over Haman’s evil plan to destroy the Jews. Like Haman, Satan wants to ruin God’s plan and destroy believers. Satan thought he had won when Jesus died on the cross, but God raised Jesus from the dead and defeated Satan once and for all. All who believe in Jesus are rescued from sin and death.
If you have a bible at your house, turn to the book of Esther. Read it with your family this week! If you don't have one, that's okay! CLICK HERE.

OPTION 1: Host a dinner party Invite the kids to throw a pretend dinner party. Allow them to set the table with the plates and utensils. They may also distribute food. SAY • If you could invite anyone you want to your dinner party, whom would you invite? What would you talk about? Do you think you would invite your greatest enemy? Today we’ll hear how Queen Esther hosted a dinner party for the king, and she invited her enemy. Let’s find out more!

OPTION 2: Make a queen Esther puppet Before the session cut 1-inch pieces from gold chenille stems and 1-inch pieces from black or brown yarn. Print a “Queen Esther” printable on heavyweight paper for every two children. Cut out the puppets before the session for younger preschoolers. Give each preschooler a puppet. Guide them to draw a face and color clothing. Invite them to cut out their puppets then glue on sequins, yarn for hair, and a chenille stem piece for a crown. Tape a craft stick on the back of each puppet. Encourage children to tell the Bible story using their puppets. Consider recording their versions of the story and sending parents their child’s video. SAY • The king chose Esther to be his queen. The king did not know God was in control of his choice. Who is in control of everything? God is in control of everything. God made Esther queen, and God used Esther to rescue God’s people from their enemies.

OPTION 3: Check out Esther's SuperBook Story


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