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July 5th- The Rules for Sacrifice

We can't deny it- we've failed to live up to God's righteous requirements of people. The book of Leviticus, which literally means for the Levites, gives the Levites a HUGE list of to-do items that they must complete in order to be atoned. So let's break this bad-boy down a little bit, shall we?

  1. Sacrificial Systems: Leviticus 1-7

  2. The role of the priests: Leviticus 8-10 AND 21-22

  3. National festivals/Celebrations: Leviticus 16, 23, 25

Through the symbols and celebrations it describes, Leviticus paints a picture of God’s character. There are some really awesome connections to be made between his character- complete and utter holiness- in this book verses his character in the New Testament. The sacrifices had to be perfect and unblemished because that's what his holiness required. Years later, Jesus would come- perfect and unblemished- and He would serve as this sacrifice for us because God STILL requires nothing less than absolute holiness. Something we can never attain.

Leviticus teaches that God is the source of perfect life, that He loves His people, and that He desires to dwell among them. (Flashback to the tabernacle, anyone?) Leviticus also shows clearly man’s sinfulness- the minute Aaron's sons are ordained, they added "unauthorized fire before the LORD, contrary to his command" (Leviticus 10). Now remember, the beauty of this book is that it isn't meant for you! This book was written for the Levites, don't forget. What IS meant for you and I is the enduring understanding that will speak to our hearts- reminding us of the depth of our sin, but also pointing us to the sacrifice of He whose blood is far more effective than the blood of bulls and goats. And that's Jesus, y'all!

When was the last time you read Leviticus? If you said "never" or had to stop to think about it- try giving it a read this week! Or just humor me and watch the "Is Leviticus Boring" video below...

A song to start us off AND an introduction to our Vacation Bible School! (Register here)

CLICK HERE for this weeks story summary and read about the rules for sacrifice.

In case you aren't familiar with the book of Leviticus- It's GR8- as this video explains:

Connection to the promise: The sacrifices God required of His people were a hint of what God was going to do to forgive sinners. We no longer need to offer sacrifices because we trust in Jesus. Jesus offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice that takes away our sin once and for all.
If you have a bible at your house, read the book of Leviticus over the course of this week- If you don't have one, that's okay! CLICK HERE.

Questions from Kids:

For Older Kids: Guess the Price

Invite kids to sit with you and look at different items on the computer or even around the house. Grocery items, stuff you've ordered, toys, etc. Prices covered, ask the kids to guess the prices of the different items. Give them clues like "higher" or "lower" until they're pretty close.

Remind kids: God is holy and requires a sacrifice for sin. The bible teaches us that the fair payment for our sin is death. In the Old Testament, people had to offer animal sacrifices to cover their sin. When God sent Jesus to live a perfect life and die on the cross, Jesus' death paid for our sin. That's why we don't have to offer more sacrifices- Jesus' sacrifice was perfect!

Craft: Painted Hearts

Give each child a heart shaped paint-paper to decorate with paints. With a white crayon write "God loves you!" You might want to cover your table with newspaper or a sheet to keep it clean. Set out some paint, brushes, and water. They won't be able to see the message on the white paper- so have the kids paint to reveal the message.

Remind the kids that God loves us and wants to be with us but our sin keeps us away from God. The good news is that God made ways to forgive His people through offerings and sacrifices. God sent His son for us as a sacrifice because He loves us!

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