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July 19th- The Bronze Snake

What. A. Week.

VBS has sadly come to a close! What a fun week- with 25 registered kids it was the perfect combination of fellowship, Jesus!, and safe. :) Here's one of my favorite pictures from the week:

For today's lesson, We're going to look at the Bronze Snake. Here are a couple of things to talk about with kids as you view the video together:

Preschool Tip: This session might be a little frightening for preschoolers, especially your younger ones. You can help prevent that in the way that you tell the story, but beyond that, focus on the truth undergirding the snakes not the snakes themselves. Extol God’s goodness and His love. But be sure to share that God’s discipline is one way that He loves us. Our little ones need to become familiar with that beautiful truth.

Kids Tip: Consider helping your kids grasp the why behind the what this week. Knowing what happened—how God sent snakes—is important, but our kids—especially our older ones—need to learn to dive deeper into God’s Word and consider WHY God did what He did too. In this case, it makes no sense to look at a bronze snake to be healed. And that is the point. Our kids need to understand that God was doing something that made no sense and that the people needed to trust God that it would work. Because that is something we call faith.

#JesusJam Have fun worshiping together to some songs!

CLICK HERE for this weeks story summary and read about the rules for sacrifice.

Christ Connection: The Israelites faced a huge problem because of their sin. God sent snakes to punish Israel, but anyone who was bitten could look at the bronze snake on the pole and live. Because of our sin, we face a huge problem: we are separated from God. We deserve to die, but anyone who looks to Jesus on the cross and trusts in Him will live forever with God.
If you have a bible at your house, read the book of Numbers 20-22 If you don't have one, that's okay! CLICK HERE.

A message from Kids On The Move:

Activity Booklet:

We are excited to be hosting Pre-K Wee Worship in the building again, this can be found next to the coffee shop, which is open again, and things see to be getting back to normal! Instead of crafts, we're going to make it super easy on you with printables that are super easy for you parents at home!


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© 2023 by Stony Point Christian Church Children's and Youth Ministry 

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