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April 4th- Easter Sunday

He is risen, ya'll!

Today we'll be learning and celebrating the gift Jesus gives: That he took our punishment for sin by giving up His life, and He gives us His righteousness. This is the best Easter gift we could ever get!

The entire Old Testament, the Bible as a whole, points to this story. It was all leading up to this one moment-- when Jesus saved us from our sin!

-From Brian Dembowczyk at TGP website

Let's celebrate this morning with some Easter jams!

#JesusJams for today!

---> CLICK HERE for this weeks story summary

Christ Connection: The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus is the center of the gospel. We deserve to die because of our sin, but Jesus died in our place. He was the blood sacrifice made once and for all for the forgiveness of sin. God was pleased with Jesus’ sacrifice and raised Jesus from the dead to reign as King over all creation. We are forgiven only through Jesus. (Acts 4:12)
If you have a bible at your house, open to John 17-20 and have a parent read the Easter story out loud to you! If it's too long- Don't worry, read a little bit each day this week! If you don't have a Bible, that's okay! CLICK HERE.

WHEW! That was long and AWESOME! Take a little break if you need to and have the kiddos work on these activities pages:

OPTION 1: Roll the stone Guide preschoolers to stand in a large circle. Roll an exercise ball to a preschooler and encourage him to roll it to another preschooler in the circle. Sing the following lyrics to the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb” as preschoolers roll the ball. Make sure each child gets a chance to roll the ball. “Jesus died, but He’s alive, He’s alive, He’s alive! Jesus died, but He’s alive! The stone was rolled away!” SAY • A big earthquake came as the two Marys were at Jesus’ tomb. An angel came down from heaven and rolled away the stone that sat in front of Jesus’ tomb. Jesus died on the cross and is alive. Jesus never did anything wrong, but He was punished because we sinned. When we put our trust in Jesus, God forgives our sin because Jesus died for us.

OPTION 2: Make an empty tomb diorama Before the session, cut wooden skewers and use hot glue to make a 3-inch cross for each child. Provide an empty shoe box for each child. If shoes boxes are unavailable, use a foam plate instead. Give each preschooler a ball of air dry clay and half a plastic egg. Help preschoolers arrange the clay around the half egg, leaving the opening exposed. Press the clay covered egg into the base of the box so the egg opening is on its side. Invite preschoolers to use a small amount of clay to stand up a cross in another area of the base of the box. Then preschoolers may glue green Easter grass to fill in around the empty tomb and the cross. SAY Jesus died on the cross and is alive. The most important thing that ever happened is that Jesus died and was raised from the dead. Jesus never did anything wrong, but He was punished because we sinned. God forgives us for sin because Jesus died for us. God raised Jesus from the dead to be King over everything.

OPTION 3: Relax together and enjoy an Easter story read by our very own Ms. Sharon!

Other Printables:

Unit 15 Discussion:


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